

IIT's 教师手册 provides a body of basic information for members of the academic 工作人员 at Illinois Institute of Technology. This compilation includes those procedures, policy statements 和 regulations that are of particular concern to members of IIT's faculty 和 academic administration. It does not purport to be a comprehensive documentation of all university matters. It is intended that this h和book will provide introductory information about the university to new members of IIT's faculty 和 will also serve as a convenient reference for all faculty members.

The information in this h和book is subject to change according to the process detailed in Appendix P. Changes will be duly published.


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  1. 介绍
  2. 任务
  3. 学术治理
  4. Conditions of Academic Appointment
  5. 专业的问题
  6. 教师的责任
  7. Responsibilities in Student-Faculty Relationships
  8. Sabbatical Leaves 和 Leaves of Absence
  9. 终止妊娠
  10. Compensation, Personnel Records 和 Benefits Offered


  1. Constitution of the Faculty of Illinois Institute of Technology
  2. By-Laws of the Faculty of Illinois Institute of Technology
  3. St和ards 和 过程s for Promotion 和 Tenure
  4. Suggested Outline for the Preparation of Curriculum Vitae
  5. 过程s for the 搜索 for, 和 the Review of, Academic Deans 和 Directors
  6. 过程s for Selection, Retention, 和 Replacement of Department Chairs
  7. 过程s for the 搜索 for Provost
  8. IIT Policy on Joint Faculty Appointments
  9. 过程s for Addressing Faculty Academic Grievances
  10. Suspension 和 Termination of Faculty Members
  11. 专利及版权政策
  12. Review of Alleged 研究 Misconduct
  13. 性骚扰政策
  14. 隐私 Rights 和 Access to Educational Records
  15. Honorific Title: 特聘教授
  16. Process for Changes in Policy, 过程, 和课程, 和 for Elimination of Degrees 和 Programs
  17. 政策及程序 Relating to Non-Tenure Track Ranks
  18. St和ards for Extending the Probationary Period of Tenure-Track Faculty
  19. 作者


This 补充 is not included in the 教师手册, 和 it contains policies that do not require faculty approval. It is a compilation of administrative policies that apply to IIT faculty members, 工作人员, 和学生. The policies contained in this 补充 do not include all such administrative policies; rather, they include those likely to be of particular relevance or interest to faculty members.

The compilation of administrative policies included in this supplement is listed below. 

  1. 学生的政策
    1. 学术诚信政策
    2. 学生行为准则
    3. 大学体育政策
  2. 教师福利政策
    1. 教员家庭政策
    2. Policy for Summer Salary Charged to Sponsored Projects
    3. Tuition Remission Taxation Policy
  3. Selected Items from the 政策及程序 H和book
    1. Reservations 和 Use of University Facilities on the IIT Main 校园
    2. Reservations 和 Use of IIT Facilities at the Conviser Law Center
    3. Insurance Claims Filing 过程
    4. 设备的损失
    5. Safety, Identification, Classification 和 H和ling of Hazardous Materials 和 Waste
    6. Disposal of Surplus Goods or Obsolete Equipment
    7. Insurance Requirements for Third Parties
    8. Proposals for Sponsored Projects
    9. Publications Policy, Names 和 Seals
    10. 旅行
    11. Graduate College: Stipends 和 Graduate Assistants
    12. Administrator 和 Non-Investigator Faculty Member Conflict of Interest 和 Conflict of Commitment Policy
    13. Investigator Conflict of Interest 和 Conflict of Commitment Policy
    14. Prohibition on the Acceptance of Gifts
    15. Investigations 和 Complaints
    16. Authority for Negotiation 和 Approval of Contracts
    17. 科技资源的使用
    18. 记录和电子邮件保留
    19. Requests from Law Enforcement
    20. 教师的公司
    21. 学生旅行政策
    22. 社交媒体政策
    23. 志愿者和无薪实习生
  4. Selected Safety Committee Policies
    1. 事故调查政策事故调查表格
    2. Laboratory 和 Workshop Safety Policy
    3. Laboratory Safety Inspection Policy
    4. Chemical Hygiene Policy for Lab Safety St和ards
    5. 空置实验室指南
  5. 学术相关政策
    1. Appointment of Part-time 和 Adjunct Faculty
    2. 荣誉学位政策
    3. 联合学位课程
    4. 研究 Associate 和 Senior 研究 Associate Appointment Responsibilities 和 过程s
    5. 访问ing 研究er - Appointment Responsibilities 和 过程s
    6. Interdisciplinary Degree Policy
    7. Policy on Joint Appointments with External Entities
    8. 教员遴选程序
    9. 捐资主席政策
    10. π的资格
  6. Business 和 Operation Related Policies
    1. Political Activity on 校园 Policy
    2. IIT采购手册
    3. St和ards of Ethics 和 Business Conduct
  7. 为教师提供的服务
    1. Support Services for University Activities
    2. 通信
    3. Auxiliary Activities 和 Services
    4. IIT Accommodations 和 Amenities