
The CDR works with graduate and undergraduate students with various types of disabilities including learning, 物理, 听力, 视觉, 心理, 慢性疾病.

Illinois Institute of Technology does not inquire or require students with disabilities to disclose their disability status on the admissions application. Decisions around disability disclosure are personal ones, which should be carefully considered. 一旦学生被录取并注册, they should contact the CDR to begin the registration process to ensure that accommodations and services are in place for the start of their courses.

Registration includes submission of both the Application for Accommodations and Services and disability documentation (see 文档的指导方针). 本科生和研究生有单独的申请表格.

在审查学生的申请和相关文件后, CDR工作人员将与学生会面,讨论住宿和服务. The CDR works with students with various types of disabilities including learning, 物理, 听力, 视觉, 心理, 慢性疾病.



CDR为残疾学生提供各种支持服务, including individual consultation and skill building workshops that address time management and organizational skills.

印度理工学院的所有项目和活动都对残疾人开放. If a particular program or activity is scheduled for a venue that is not fully accessible, it is IIT's policy to relocate such events to accessible 设施 that meet the needs of the individual student. CDR works closely with students to ensure that their residence halls and classrooms meet their access needs. Prospective students and their families visiting the campus may arrange for an Access Tour through the CDR.

The following information is geared primarily toward families of undergraduate students. 虽然很多信息仍然是相关的, please contact the CDR for further information on how you can support your graduate student.

在高中时, teachers or other school personnel identified students who were in need of services, 提供免费评估, 并根据这些评估制定了个性化教育计划(IEP). 这些计划可能包括修改过的课程, 专业的指导, 辅导, 学术住宿, 以及其他个性化服务.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, post-secondary education requires students with disabilities to be much more self-directed about gaining access to the key accommodations they need. 而K-12的重点是确保学生的成功, post-secondary disability services is focused upon "leveling the playing field" for students with disabilities so that they have equal opportunity and equal access. 记住这些重要的区别, the following represent key features of the 残疾人资源中心 at Illinois Institute of Technology.

  • 学生必须向CDR提出住宿要求.
  • Students also must provide reasonable accommodations of their condition/disability. Colleges are not responsible for assessing or determining students' disability status or related needs. Colleges also have the right to set reasonable standards regarding the type of documentation needed / required and can further require that such documentation be current.
  • 高等教育机构, 包括IIT, review students' documentation and determine their disability-related needs for academic adjustments and reasonable accommodations.
  • Reasonable accommodations coordinated by the CDR for eligible students include extended time on exams, 记笔记服务, 另一种格式的教科书和其他资料, 手语翻译, 转录服务.
  • Students are expected to follow the established procedures for receiving reasonable accommodations in order to maintain their eligibility for such accommodations.
  • The CDR consults with faculty and/or students' academic programs to ensure that accommodations do not modify the fundamental nature of these programs.

Please note: Individualized services and 辅导 are not considered reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 这两条法律规定了大学的住宿条件.

This website is full of information for students and parents to assist with the transition from high school to college.

This link from the Office for Civil Rights is a good place to start for answers to questions about the legal differences between high school disability services and college disability services.

This link from the Office for Civil Rights provides information about how parents can assist their child with the transition to college.


Illinois Institute of Technology students with disabilities have the right to equal access to all programs, 设施, 以及学校提供的资源. 此外, they have the right to make self-directed decisions about their participation in all aspects of university life. 记住这些原则, the CDR works closely with IIT students with disabilities to ensure their equal access, 促进他们的独立性, and to support them in their efforts to make informed academic and personal choices. 更多关于 权利与责任.

The 残疾人资源中心 strives to encourage independency and self advocacy in their students. Under no circumstances can the CDR discuss CDR-registered students without formal written consent from that student.