生物医学工程(B).S.): Cell and Tissue Engineering Track

This 生物医学工程 degree program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET Inc., http://www.教唆.org.

This field seeks to understand and attack biomedical problems at the microscopic level and to use such knowledge to engineer replacement tissues and organs from individual cells. 解剖学知识, 生物化学, and the mechanics of cellular and sub-cellular structures is needed to understand disease processes and target interventions. Armed with such knowledge, new technologies have been, or are being, developed. Examples include miniature devices for delivering compounds that stimulate or inhibit cellular processes in precise locations to promote healing or inhibit disease formation and progression; new techniques that have produced replacement skin and may one day produce heart valves, 冠状血管, and even entire hearts; and development of artificial materials used for implantation as well as new biomaterials that incorporate proteins or living cells, thereby providing a truer biological and mechanical match for the living tissue.


Students will be able to understand biomedical problems at the microscopic level; to use such knowledge to engineer replacement tissues and organs from individual cells; and to understand disease processes and target interventions with knowledge of anatomy, 生物化学, and the mechanics of cellular and sub-cellular structures.


Our biomedical engineering degree program with a cell and tissue engineering track will prepare you for such careers as:

  • 生物医学工程师
  • 研究员
  • 医生
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The undergraduate biomedical cell and tissue engineering curriculum will prepare students to learn how cells control and are controlled by the cellular microenvironment. You will be trained to engineer better health at the molecular and cellular level through cutting-edge applications.


Students of this program must be admitted to 威尼斯人平台. If interested in transferring to this program, students should consult their academic adviser.